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Rockell and Money have been friends since they were little. When they went to middle school they met a girl named Akeyla. When they got to high school they met Squeak and Shortie and they formed a crew. Although these five friends came from different backgrounds, they never let that come between them. When Rockell the strong one, meets the so called love of her life Drew Smith, lies, bad decisions, and drama begin to come between the crew. As life starts to fall apart right before the girls eyes, who will be the last women standing when the funk hits the fan. will they still have a crew or will Rockell turn her back on her friends for her no good man Drew. Based on true events this story takes off fast, like a roller coaster from hell.
In Real Life
How to Start Your Own Business
Do you want to start your own business? Do you have any idea how to get started? Well, this book is for you! Thousands of Americans will decide to start their own retail business this year. Many people dream of becoming their own boss however most do not possess the knowledge necessary to do so. "How to Start Your Own Business" provides you with 10 key steps to starting your own business.
Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide
Be the assertion true, that insanity is the expecting of a different result; while perpetuating the same ideologies and behavior patterns, then insanity is the plight of black Americans, as well as those charged with their education and liberation.This form of insanity is marked by illiteracy, decadent neighborhoods, spiritual ineptitude and social and financial insufficiency. It is the chains that have been passed down from generation to generation irrespective of the Emancipation Proclamation. It is the reason we gain education, yet not the power to positively alter the circumstances of our people en masse. It is the reason we claim spiritual fortitude, but have no relative impact on our surroundings. It is the reason that you can find entire neighborhoods in black communities where the people who live there own only 0-5% of the businesses and real estate of the community. It is what makes us vulnerable to the designs of spiritual predators and silver tongued politicians. It is the "Total Darkness" on which Austin so articulately pens. It is evolving and compounding.
Cheaters: The Who, What, When, Where & Why of Cheating
A victim of cheating can become completely overwhelmed with trying to figure out why their mate has cheated on them. Victims often become obsessed with attempting to find an answer when there could be several answers or none at all. In my opinion, you should not concern yourself with ‘why’ your mate cheated. Whatever the case may be it is their responsibility to remain faithful to you if you are in a committed relationship. However, for those of you want to know, I introduce to you…”Cheaters: The Who, What, When, Where & Why of Cheating”.
This handbook is a complete guide to the who, what, when, where & why of cheating. I interviewed many cheaters to gain a perspective on the in’s and out’s of cheating. These cheaters actively participated in discussions and debates which eventually cultivated many key concepts and theories in this book. This guide is intended to enlighten and empower individuals by covering various aspects of cheating behaviors and their mindsets. It provides you with everything you need to know about infidelity.
Never Let Yourself Go With or Without Him
This is a positive and humorous self help book detailing how women can maintain their self esteem, and confidence With or Without a Man! I want my readers to be aware of their self worth and embrace it!! I have written this book based on my real life experiences. I have my reader's best interest at heart; I assure you this book will have you feeling inspired, radiant, and powerful! Enjoy