Emperial publishes all types of literature however the final decision is up to the discretion of Emperial Publishing. We only accept completed novels. Partial novels or chapter samples will not be reviewed.​
Your submission must clearly display your name, address, telephone number and email address.​
Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced and bound. Novels that do not meet these requirements will not be reviewed. Word count must also be included.​
Novels must include a cover letter introducing author and stating your needs from Emperial Publishing. Cover letter must also include a synopsis of your book.​
Emperial Publishing does not return submissions.​
Submissions can be transmitted electronically at emperialpublishing@gmail.com.
Keep a copy of your manuscript. Please be patient. It may take 90 up to 180 days to review your submission. We thank you in advance for your patience! Mail your completed submission to: ​
​Emperial Publishing
c/o Submissions
PO Box 21402
Detroit, MI 48221
Questions or concerns may be submitted to emperialpublishing@gmail.com.